
The largest front-end developer conference

jQuery Conference 2025


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Keynote Speakers jQuery UK returned to Oxford for its fourth year, featuring the biggest names
front-end development.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sectetur adipiscing elit. Nam faucibus nisi non nunc pharetra viverra nec eget ligula.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sectetur adipiscing elit. Nam faucibus nisi non nunc pharetra viverra nec eget ligula.

The main themes for the jQuery Conference 2016 are:

DevTools State of the Union
Aenean dictum libero orci, vel laoreet dolor aliquam vel. Nunc molestie dui vitae lobortis maximus. Quisque tempus dui eget massa venenatis vehicula. Nullam ex felis, finibus vitae auctor vitae.

ES6 is the answer! What was the problem?

Suspendisse accumsan metus eget diam mattis blandit. Sed eget varius odio. Nullam non fringilla nulla. Aenean ultricies est sit amet odio sollicitudin, et feugiat purus imperdiet.

Real World jQuery

Pellentesque tincidunt purus et mauris condimentum, vel sodales lacus viverra. Aenean eget mauris lectus. Quisque vulputate sit amet nibh non varius.

Designing for displays that don’t exist yet
Mauris posuere non ipsum eu hendrerit. Aliquam rhoncus, nunc eget egestas vehicula, nunc felis tristique dui, eu mollis eros massa vel lacus. Curabitur massa massa, mattis non.

3861 Sepulveda Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90230
Get Directions

The schedule The conference takes place on 6 March and features two amazing tracks. We are also running workshops the day before, and a couple of awesome fringe events.

08:30 - Registration

The free trial gives you access to all of the great Treehouse content that you would get as a paying customer for.

09:30 - ES6 is the answer! What was the problem?

The free trial gives you access to all of the great Treehouse content that you would get as a paying customer for.

12:00 - Lunch

The free trial gives you access to all of the great Treehouse content that you would get as a paying customer for.

13:45 - Come Together

The free trial gives you access to all of the great Treehouse content that you would get as a paying customer for.

14:30 - Coding Workshop

The free trial gives you access to all of the great Treehouse content that you would get as a paying customer for.

16:00 - Finish

The free trial gives you access to all of the great Treehouse content that you would get as a paying customer for.

jQuery mobile vs jQuery The difference between jQuery and jQuery mobile

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra ultricies justo nec faucibus. Vestibulum eget convallis ex, eget rutrum justo. Vivamus rutrum lobortis faucibus. Nam porta odio ex, ut laoreet arcu imperdiet ut. Nulla facilisi. Nullam faucibus dui eget nisl condimentum dictum. Curabitur dui dolor, vulputate dignissim ullamcorper vestibulum, tempor in quam.

2016 Conference Pricing Below is a list of the various conference registration options. Be sure to register early and save money on conference fees.

Conference: Day 1

$ 12 p.p.

This ticket will grant you access to the conference on 21 April only.

Conference: Day 1 + 2

$ 38 p.p.

This ticket will grant you access to the conference on 21 and 22 April.

Conference + Workshop

$ 75 p.p.

This ticket will grant you access to the conference and the workshop.

Our excellent sponsors make jQuery Conference possible:


Which payment methods do you accept?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc velit nibh, tempor in gravida quis, faucibus sit amet dolor. Integer hendrerit lacus tempor nibh luctus, mollis elementum nisi vestibulum. Praesent vel lacus et purus vulputate mollis.

Can i invite my friends to join this conference?

Duis eu diam eget felis pharetra vehicula. Vivamus at pretium lacus. Vestibulum in eros ullamcorper, volutpat nisl et, iaculis leo. Mauris venenatis turpis vitae leo accumsan, at malesuada nisi faucibus. Proin efficitur suscipit dolor eget laoreet.

Which document can i bring to meeting ?

Nulla sit amet varius risus, quis pretium ante. Nulla facilisi. Nunc sed ipsum nisi. Mauris eu dui porta mi porta sollicitudin. Proin eu sapien at libero scelerisque faucibus vitae sed sem. Pellentesque laoreet nisi vitae cursus aliquam. Integer diam metus, aliquet et efficitur in.

Who can join at the Meetup venue?

Praesent ultrices ante ut lorem efficitur mollis. Nulla ipsum risus, consectetur ac nunc eget, consequat volutpat leo. Donec enim massa, porta a lobortis eu, molestie ac elit. Ut dictum imperdiet est, ac sodales orci suscipit nec.